December 5, 2011

My Pearl Jam doggie!!!

November 26, 2011

Beautiful warm weather out, nice hike with my friend.

Maine Vacation 10/7-10/10/11

Took Monty to Goose Rocks beach for a nice long weekend. We had a great time! He was so well behaved. I had always wanted to take Petey to this beach. We used to live there with our two dogs, Khan and Bigelow. It was a great weekend.

Oct 3, 2011

Beautiful 3 hour hike with my sweet puppy. We hiked up to the AT overlooking Greenwood Lake.

18 Months old

Monty continues to do really well as an *only* dog. Today it is four weeks since our Petey passed away. Time has gone by so quickly. Some days I feel like I can't breathe because I miss Petey so much, other days I think to myself, don't waste what time you have left on this earth being so sad that you don't live. Monty deserves a happy mom, so does my hubby and human children. Enjoying this pretty Brown boy. He is smart and good. What more could I ask for?

Girl Friend

Monty played with a beautiful puppy Ridgeback named Pita! Sooo cute!

September 2, 2011

Monty had a playdate with Ryder today....he had a great time!